Thursday, December 2, 2010

some of them think i'm odd

so i felt like an odwalla, you know they are amazing. it was 3.25 am and i couldn't sleep and thought why not go get one at woodman's. (for those of you who don't know what that is, it's a wisco based grocer open 24/7) i didn't feel like driving so i checked the weather, 13 mph winds making it 5 degrees. this meant it was good enough to bike out, just needed to wear a scarf. at 3.45 am shoved off and road 4 miles there, got my odwalla, road 4 back. something about being out on the streets when no one is out. always fun to just own the road on a bike. i love the peace and serenity you get when you can just enjoi the world as it passes by you on your bike.

i know some of my friends think i'm crazy for biking during certain parts of the day and during certain cold spells. the way i look at it, if it isn't icy or pouring rain, why not bike? most of my commuting in madison can be done on my bike and i just put a bag on my back and away i go. so to biking on dec 2nd, cheers!

post ride with my odwalla, and now off to work.

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