Thursday, October 28, 2010

biking is a disease

so took the morning off and ran some errands around town. finally could bike seeing as the wind isn't blowing at 50 mph or above. the last two days were crazy with weather. so after 2 hours biking around doing errands, i realized that the season for biking outdoors is getting shorter with every colder day that brings us closer to snow. could bike in the snow, but don't have a bike set up for it and before i do, i have two bike frames sitting in my living room waiting to be built up this winter. so my plan is to make one into a fixed gear and the other a single speed with a coaster brake. not sure what types of rims i'm gonna use for the fixie, but looking at a set of velocity deep v's or if for some reason i come into a few more hundred dollars, an aerospoke, but that is a bit pricey. as for the single speed, i'm just gonna put a new coaster hub into my existing rim from an old bike. both should be functional by spring and that will leave me with three bikes, a regular single speed, a coaster brake single speed, and a fixie. that should be enough for now or until i buy a road bike next spring. ah, this is becoming a disease. here is an awesome trailer i found for this movie. now to just find out where i can buy this thing:

other thoughts, anyone have any color ideas for a bike/wheel/rim combo? the two bikes are as follows: dark grey for one, and baby blue for the other. i like these colors:

Monday, October 25, 2010

monday monday

ever get a burst of inspiration? well i got one this afternoon. always liked the looked of ringflash work, but never really liked it straight on with the lens in the middle. so figured out a way to raise the ringflash just a tad above the camera. then took a few self-portraits thanks to a handy dandy remote. a few minutes in photoshop and walla!

music of the day: take some time and find this band "the thermals". good music. travel plans in the future include a trip out to milwaukee to shoot some engagement photos and a trip up to minneapolis for a band photo.

final thought of the day, really liking the aerospoke rims for the bike buildup this winter. possibly finding out how to put a coaster brake in the rear wheel. should be freakin awesome when done. old dark grey kent frame with bright yellow aerospokes and yellow handlebar tape.

man do i have a long face...

Monday, October 4, 2010

a headshot & insomnia: a productive mixture

hello fellow citizens of this fine fall day we are about to embark on. this image is for a buddy dusty, who was in need of a headshot for a school assignment. this assignment's mission was to make him explore a two page magazine spread about typography and was to incorporate a photo. his idea includes a write up about the music he creates and a headshot of him. well, last week during our planning session, we decided we needed to do a shoot in a shower. (he was wearing board shorts in the shower, we kept it pg rated) so, with the friendly help of sunday night insomnia, here is the final image...enjoi!

here is one more shot from the shoot.